Morgan Is My Name-Feminist Lens

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Morgan Is My Name - Feminist Lens The novel, Morgan Is My Name by Sophie Keetch, is an Arthurian Fantasy that explores the history, feminist society, the power of men and the fight for freedom. The story is about Morgan, Lady of Cornwall who lived in Tingel Castle with her parents, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and her sisters Morganause and Elaine until King Uther Pendragon killed her father with the help of the sorcerer, Merlin to trick her mother into marriage. He impregnated the duchess to convince her to wed him but the child was stillborn. Morgan had the opportunity to assume the position of a princess when her mother married the King, but her strong-willed attitude prevented her from doing so, in contrast to her sisters, who accepted …show more content…

The protagonist’s name is Morgana but she prefers to be called Morgan. But King Uther Pendragon doesn't allow it because Morgana sounds more feminine. At the time of the story, women are expected to stay home and care for their families while their husbands went to war. Morgan states ”Unlike my temper, it was never innate; not borne in blood but formed there, on that day, at the feet of Uther Pendragon, being forced to call him ‘father’” (Keetch 28) evidently how she was expected to refer the king as her father and obey him due to her mother’s marriage. The rules that society has imposed on Morgan are ones that she rejects. She aspires to independence and doesn't want to be forced into marriage through a betrothal or to have her life's choices dictated to her. She begins to secretly educate herself with the help of the priest as women were told to not gain education and take the role of housewives or birth givers. Morgan also develops feelings for a guy who is far lower than her. Unlike her sisters who married Kings through betrothal chosen by their stepfather, King Uther Pendragon, Morgan wants to gain meaning for herself first. She prioritizes education and with the help of her mother, even after being sent to the nunnery by the king, she was able to keep learning, where she discovered her talent to heal. The connection between the now Queen and King Utter Pendragon is referenced in “The Male Gaze '' as he fantasizes about her and starts a war against her husband just to gain authority over her. “One cannot eat love, after all. He’s King, and he wants her. She must do it if we are to live. There is no better way to ensure our future” (Keetch 23) King Uther Pendragon impregnated the duchess to force her into marriage. When the king sent Morgan to the nunnery, her mother secretly helped her daughter without the knowledge of the King. The King only wants to make the life of the women in this