Mormon Beliefs Relating To Death And Afterlife Research

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The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of the religious beliefs and practices relating to death and afterlife practiced the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), as well as, their creation myth. The afterlife is defined as an existence after death. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online, 2015) Every religion has their own traditions and beliefs concerning death and the afterlife. Mormons are no different. Mormons believe that the souls of people continue to exist after death. They believe those who do not choose to follow Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will receive blessings according to what they have done in this life, but they will not enjoy the full glory of living in the presence of God. (, 2016) Mormons believe the highest bliss is in entering the Kingdom of Glory. After resurrection, the Lord based on their desires and actions, will judge an individual. They believe in three kingdoms of glory to include the celestial kingdom, the terrestrial kingdom and the telestial kingdom. …show more content…

They believe the creation is described in three pillars; the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement (Mormon Beliefs, 2016) To understand the distinction between Heaven and Hell is to understand all three pillars. It is said the Jesus Christ created Heaven and Earth. He also created Adam, who becomes the first flesh of man through the Fall. It took six days to create what was a spiritual image, in essence a premortal existence, to that of a tangible creation or earthly existence. With the Fall of Adam, the beginning of mortality and procreation commences. (Mormon Beliefs, 2016) The Church of Jesus Chirst of Latter-Day Saints creation myth believes that through the resurrection, physical death is not the end of life in an individual. At this point, one will stand before God and he will decide the level of Kingdom of Glory or Hell as previously

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