
Most Influential Person

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The most influential person I know Have you ever wondered what makes an influential person? Or what makes them so influential to you? My mom is the most influential person that I know. Because my mom is so influential she has made me who I am today.
My mom 's kindness has shown me how treat others and respect others when you don 't know what they 're going threw. One time me and my mom were going to Albertson and once we got there a homeless man came up and knocked on our car door window. He said he had just came out of the hospital and needed some change for bus fare so my mom gave him some quarters and offered him a vitamin drink. He was very happy and my mom knew that if we were in that situation she would want someone to help us. My mom has really changed my perspective. One day I was at Fred Meyers and there was a homeless man outside with his dog. I told my mom when we go inside I want to pick out some snacks and stuff for the homeless man and his dog. We bought the supplies and brought it out to him when we gave it to him he was so happy. It made me happy to help others. My mom 's selflessness shows me that not everything revolves around yourself. My mom is very selfless because every time I have a doctor 's or dentist appointment my mom will stop work just to …show more content…

The other day I went to softball (KGSA) and I was really nervous and did not want to go I kept thinking that I would embarrass myself. My mom took me to tryouts and told me how good and wonderful I would do and that made me feel alot better. She also bought me a gatorade to help me feel better. After my tryouts we were walking out and my mom started telling me how well I did and that she was very proud of me. My mom has influenced me to be supportive of others like when I was at tryouts there was a girl that had never played before so I told her she would do great and that she was really good at

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