Most Influential Political Theorist

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Over the semester in Political Science we went through many of the most influential Political Theorist in the world, but one always stuck with me because I thought his ideas where interesting. That would be the 18th century French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. I was always intrigued by the general will concept of Rousseau because they were bold ideas that would make you think if it could actually work but at the end I disagree with. The most important theory and the reason why I choose Rousseau because this concept intrigued me but disagree with most of it. The concept of the general will. The concept of the general will is the true interest of what everyone wants whether they realize it or not. When you are forced to obey it, you really are obeying yourself, the true and free you. That private property was that it led to led to inequality, that this encouraged extreme greed and self-interest and rewarded people with greed and luck because the more property, the …show more content…

I look at the country who kind of go by Rousseau’s concept which is North Korea. North Korea is one of the most corrupt country in the world and everything is equal there. North Korea is ranked 175 out of 177 countries in Transparency International's 2013 Corruption Perceptions Index. Just like any communist country, and like in the general will, when you don’t value the talents, the talents don’t value creativity. They’re would also be a reduced incentive to work hard because why work hard if everyone is getting rewarded the same. There is a forced collectivization in the general will and in communist countries. This led to private farming being outlawed as it had been in Stalin’s Russia, and about 33 million people starved to death in the single most destructive famine in human