Motaba Virus Case Study Answers

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OUTBREAK Questions:
1. When and where was the Motaba virus first discovered, and what did the government do in order to try and destroy it?
The Motaba virus was first discovered in an Motaba River Valley, Zaire in a mercenary camp in 1967. The government sent two soldiers to bomb the camp and try to destroy it, so that the disease would not spread.
2. In the present day, how did the virus get to the U.S.? Who or what was the host of the virus?
The virus got to the United States by someone buying a money illegally from a biotest facility. The host of the virus was a monkey.
3. Why didn't the host of the virus die?
The host virus didn’t die because the host was immune to the virus.
4. How many levels of biosafety are shown in the facility? Name one …show more content…

Why was finding the host of the virus critical in finding an anti-serum for the disease?
Finding the host of the virus was critical in finding an anti-serum for the disease because they were able to test E-1101 on the host and realized that it could cure people.
11. What is a pandemic?
A pandemic is a disease that exists throughout an entire country, continent, or the entire world.
12. Why would it not be advantageous for a virus to kill its host as quickly as possible?
It would not be advantageous for a virus to kill it’s host as quickly as possible because then the virus would not have a chance to spread to more people, thus not being able to expand.
13. What actual virus does the Motaba virus resemble?
The actual virus the Motaba virus resembles is ebola. 14. Zoonotic diseases can be passed from animals to humans. In addition to the virus named above, list two diseases you believe to be zoonotic, and what animal species are involved in their transmission.
Two diseases that are considered zoonotic diseases are lyme disease that you can get from a tick bite and west nile disease that you can get from a mosquito bite.

15. Did you agree with the government's plan to eradicate the virus? Explain your