
Mother And Her Mother's Influence On Tereza

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Tereza’s mother had a strong influence on Tereza during her childhood that eventually causes her to feel insecure and ashamed as an adult. As a child Tereza’s mother was a very open person who “blew her nose noisily, talked to people in public about her sex life, and enjoyed demonstrating her false teeth” (2.7.46). Her mother’s view on modesty and the body cause Tereza to be over aware of her own self and become ashamed of the human bodyTereza’s mother had a strong influence on Tereza during her childhood that eventually causes her to feel insecure and ashamed as an adult. As a child Tereza’s mother was a very open person who “blew her nose noisily, talked to people in public about her sex life, and enjoyed demonstrating her false teeth” (2.7.46).
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