Mother Seton And The Sisters Of Charity Summary

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Third Quarter Book Report Mother Seton and the Sisters of Charity In the book Mother Seton and the Sisters of Charity the author Alma Power-Waters transports the reader to nineteenth century America where Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton and the Sisters of Charity created the first Catholic parochial school in America. In her journey to establish this great institution St. Elizabeth palpably demonstrated her virtues of charity, courage, and selflessness. Charity, Mother Seton’s most prominent attribute is exemplified incessantly. Mother Seton first showcased this virtue when she brought baskets of food to the poor of her community. The second instance in which St. Elizabeth exhibits this attribute is when she said. “We mustn’t refuse anyone who earnestly wants to help us. It would mean eating less, but we’ll manage”. Furthermore the name that she wished to give her order suggests that a charitable ideology was central to her life. These examples of Mother Seton’s kindness coalesce into a vivid picture of her …show more content…

Despite the fact that she had very little to eat, Elizabeth, “found herself saving milk and apples from her own sparse meals.” As a result of her empathy towards the parents of her students, “No matter how crowded her day, a letter to ease a parents anxiety” was never put off. Even though she suffered from dire poverty herself, Elizabeth thought only of the needs of the children in her charge. These self-sacrificial actions reveal the extent to which Mother Seton would go in putting the lives of others ahead of her own. Charity, courage, and selflessness were the foundational principles on which Mother Seton instituted the Sisters of Charity. These virtues made her the first native born American canonized a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. Today, this American Catholic pioneer inspires countless young women to follow in her ideals of benevolence, intrepidity, and the abnegation of one’s