Motherhood In Documentations By Mary Kelly And Louise Bourgeois

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Mary Kelly and Louise Bourgeois also employed a range of symbolism to further emphasise their contrasting depiction of the mother. Kelly’s hand-written parenting diary throughout the ‘documentations’ does not only show its aforementioned interrelationship with the observer’s voice, but it is also distinctly suggestive of all mothers’ concerns and internal conflicts in regard to their babies, particularly with the hand-writing that clearly represents their endeavour and complex emotion. This representation is recurrently and emphatically employed throughout the documentations to propound the mothers’ psychological agony, which Kelly deems to be caused by patriarchal society (Prince, 2005). Specifically, in Documentation III, this representation is further magnified through the contrast between her densely and circumstantially hand-written reflections and her son’s blithe scribbles upon the text (Warriner, 2015). Kelly also exhibited her childcare memorabilia from her child as both the experimental figure and museum artefacts within the scientific atmosphere to represent her experience of motherhood. These objects are presented as memorabilia which appears as the replacement for her son as he grows and becomes independent (Eriksson, 2010). Thus, this representation of her sense of loss has further stressed the gender roles and correlated expectation’s psychological impact on the mother (McCloskey, 2012).
Maman, constructed by Louise Bourgeois however, not only has expressed …show more content…

Through the inclusion of the reflective motherhood diary, Kelly has further accentuated the aforementioned oppressed imagery of the mother. On the other hand, Bourgeois has created contradictorily fragile quality in company with visual symbolism upon the powerful and intimidating atmosphere constructed through the staunch media and its great