
Mount Everest: The Path Metaphor For Life

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The path concept is a good metaphor for life because the concept relates to so many scenarios in life. A path may be dangerous just as a person's choices may be dangerous to his body soul and spirit. (Proverbs 7:18-23) Some paths seem exciting and adventurous to take. Mount Everest is a mountain in Nepal, which though many have died trying to climb her, she is not lacking for numerous more who attempt their way up her steep paths. A young man may be enticed to take a more devastating path to his soul than Mount Everest might be to his body. Not only is this enticing path destructive in its end result, it is dangerous in the present journey. (Proverbs 1:10-19)

When one follows a path they must depend on signs, maps or guides to successfully navigate to the desired destination. In life the Child of God has the Good Shepherd to bring him to places of rest and lead him in the paths of righteousness. (Psalm 23:1-3) God’s Word is much like a flashlight or a street lamp to the Believer. As the night traveler in a city park must depend on a street lamp to see his way or a man on a dark trail in the early morning needs a flashlight, so the Christian must use God’s Word to traverse in this life. (Psalm 119:105) …show more content…

One cannot go two ways when he comes to a split in the path. He must choose one way or the other. In life many decisions must be made great and small. Jesus has said that, “No man can serve two masters...” (Matthew 6:24) As following two paths is physically impossible, so following God and mammon is also not possible. A person can choose to direct his steps to follow God’s path according to the light of the Bible before he even comes to the time of the decision. (Proverbs

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