Mountain Meadows Massacre Essay

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1045 Words The Mountain Meadows Massacre Way back in 1857 the murders of 120 men, women,and variety of all ages of kids, in Southern Utah called Mountain Meadows. It was one of the four largest mass killings in United States History. These Arkansans were going through Southern Utah heading towards California. The first attack in a siege of five days with the wagon travelers fighting back. After the siege both sides were growing desperate. The travelers ran out of food and water and the militia feared that they would be recognized for not being Native Americans and therefore complicate the war in Utah. A small group of the militia entered under a white flag for I surrender they lead the immigrants to their death. Even though there was 120 …show more content…

20 immigrants lives were spared in all. They quickly buried the bodies and their haste left the slightly exposed. The leader of all these poor innocent immigrants was John Lee. There were actually only two grave sites with a bunch of bodies in them. Can you believe that man that's sad! They were covered in rocks and there is no grave stone which I think everyone should have a proper burial. They were on a hill and buried there. It kinda looks similar to Arizona. These people all believed in God and Jesus the son of God and they all went to church every Sunday. Each and everyone of these people were famous for their livestock. The best in which bringing with them.They had a thousand prize beef cattle, dairy cows providing fresh cream, butter and milk along the way, and a choice herd of Kentucky racehorses. Now here is a list of all of the victims in the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Victims killed William Allen Aden, Able Baker, …show more content…

There is a site that you can go to in Washington County Utah there is a gravesight monument you can find more information on Mountain Meadows Massacre Monument on google and then go to visitor info Mountain Meadows Association. There you can find how to get there some info about the monument and other info you might need to know. An archeologists says he has actually found some mountain meadows massacre bones from the graves and some kind of other things like pottery or something like that anyway he found some of the bones and looked over them and he found cuts and scrapes on the bones from being brutally murdered and and then being shoved into a big hole with hundreds of other people with them on a hill then being covered up with rock from big to small and even boulders. These sites were actually about 1,000 feet or so to the West of monuments The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints built on properties. It acquired under the belief that they harbored the grave sites. To find these grave sites they used army records. Which as I described a mound of rocks a huge big mound of rocks. They were in a ravine formed by the old Spanish Trail ----- exactly where the record said that they would be ------ on land that the Church of Jesus Christ does NOT own. The trick to finding the bodies was in fact trying to find the road to get there. One of the archeologists was sitting on the grave which to me would be pretty