Moving Back Research Paper

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Out of ideas? Don't feel like you have any dreams or goals? Do you feel like you are stuck in life and don't know how to get back on track to move forward? Feeling stuck can cause you to retreat from life and become grumpy and pessimistic. And, the longer you stay stuck, the more willing you are to believe that you may not be able to get unstuck. Therefore, take action now, no matter how silly it may seem. The most important thing you can do is to get your mind moving and get your life moving forward again. Following are 2 ways to do that.

1. Change Things Up

While routines are good to have for many reasons, changing things up may be just what you need to free your mind when you're feeling stuck. When you change things up, you get to have …show more content…

Pick what works best for you and see where it takes you.

2. Live Like A Kid Sometimes

Kids are never stuck in life. They are always moving forward and become more aware and on track to where they want to be. There are many ways you can live like a kid.

Play: Yes, I mean play! Act like you did when you were a kid and make games out of stuff, or play games that force you to be creative. Do things that make you feel good and free, rather than like a responsible adult. Get an adult coloring book and allow the shapes and colors to take you away for a while. Doing this gives your mind a break from the worry, stress, and anxiety of being an adult, and allows room for inspiration.

Stare: Kids stare at people all the time as they try to figure out who they are or why they are doing something, and as adults we let them because we know they are just trying to work through something in their mind. Have you ever noticed, though, that as an adult you feel guilty when you stare at someone, even if they can't see you? We have been taught that staring is wrong for many reasons. While it may make other people uncomfortable, watching other people is a way to get outside of your mind and think of new ideas. So, when other people aren't looking, take some time to get out of your mind and put yourself in their shoes. This can be a great way to get inspired and get