Mr. Bagley AP Language And Composition: Obama

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Julia DiRaimo Mr. Bagley AP Language and Composition April 23, 2024 Michelle Obama is incredibly intelligent with the way she speaks. She showcased a sense of pride and confidence in this speech. It is clear that she is looking for the best in the country and is trying her best to prepare future generations for the burden of the future. Obama makes her points clear and says everything with pure confidence and hope for the future. With her strong voice, she can give the audience hope for this country soon enough. Obama speaks in a way that provides the audience with a sense of comfort and positivity. She constantly makes everyone feel comfortable and included, even using herself and her husband as an example of being financially unstable at one point. …show more content…

Both Obama’s started off with little and still became the President, and first lady. This provides a sense of hope for numerous people that were struggling financially in the audience, because Obama was in their shoes at one point, and look at her now. She is very successful and is now attempting to help others fight through her battle. The third rhetorical term that was used was “aphorism”. This was used when Obama was talking about what the youth needs to do in order to prepare for the future. Aphorism is a statement that is short, direct, or memorable. Obama makes it known when she says,”You need to prepare yourself to be informed and engaged as a citizen, to serve and to lead, to stand up for our proud American values.” (Paragraph 5). This line is very memorable because she uses ‘...proud American values’, which provides a sense of pride and triumph. Obama knows that if her speech is not memorable, nobody will take it seriously and will not prepare for the future. She was extremely clever to use this to make sure that what she was saying got the attention of everybody in the