
Mr. Hancock's Downfall In Johnny Tremain By Esther Forbes

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“You are free to choose, but your choice is not free from consequence”-(theinternetmom.com). In the book Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes, Mr. Hancock, a very wealthy man, placed an order with the Lapham’s who were in need of income. The order was not finished by Saturday and it was expected Monday morning. So, Johnny was faced with a decision to wait until Monday and displease Mr. Hancock or work on a Sunday and break the law. Everyone agrees that working on Sunday was against the law; however some think he should have tried to finish the order on Sunday, while others think he should not have tried to finish it on Sunday. Johnny should not have tried to finish Mr. Hancock’s cup on Sunday for three reasons: Johnny made a decision out of pride, he disobeyed Mr. Lapham, and he disregarded scripture. …show more content…

Hancock’s cup on Sunday was because Johnny made the decision out of pride. “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men” Colossians 3:23. Johnny was not working for the Lord; he was working for Ms. Lapham, Mr. Hancock, and himself. He is more concerned with man’s approval than God’s. When Paul Revere offered him a job, Johnny said “If it wasn’t for me, nothing would ever get done, they’d just about starve.” (pg31). They survived before he was an apprentice and did not starve after he burned his hand. “Pride is about my glory; humility is about God’s glory.” -Elder

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