Mr. Krabs And The Prosecution Of His Employee Spongebob

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The murder of Mr.Krabs and the prosecution of his employee spongebob squarepants for the murder of Mr.Krabs. The first piece of evidence I would like to bring up is from number seven which states “The Krusty Krab cash register was completely empty”. The second piece of evidence I would like to bring up is number ten which states “SpongeBob has worked at the Krusty Krab restaurant for years”. In all that time, he has never received a raise.” The third piece of evidence I will bring up is number fifteen which clearly states “SpongeBob was the only person other than Mr. Krabs who had keys to the restaurant and knew the combination to the safe.” My fourth piece of evidence for this is number seventeen which states “Sandy testified that SpongeBob …show more content…

Krabs for a raise. Mr. Krabs denied, stating that the business wasn’t doing very well and there wasn’t enough money to give anyone a raise. SpongeBob was pretty upset.” My second to last piece of evidence is number eighteen which states “Patrick said that SpongeBob told him, “Mr. Krabs is a greedy pig. He’s gonna wish he’d given me a raise!”. The last piece of evidence I would like to bring up is number nineteen which states “. SpongeBob said that he went to the Krusty Krab restaurant the morning of Mr. Krab’s death in order to beg one last time for a raise. When Mr. Krabs denied him again, SpongeBob told him that he quit. Then he left and went home to his pineapple. He said he believed that Mr. Krabs would have a difficult time replacing him and that he’d regret losing his best employee.” When you look and put all these pieces of evidence together it proves that Spongebob was mad that he never had a raise in all his years of working there but when he did ask for a raise he was denied that raise. For my next part of this case I would like to bring evidence number one to the light” Mr. Krabs was found dead inside of the Krusty Krab restaurant. His throat had been …show more content…

Krabs’s throat was caused by a metal spatula.” Another piece of evidence I would like to bring up as well is evidence number two, which states that “There was a spatula found next to the body. It was covered in Mr. Krabs’s blood, but so was everything else around it. The spatula had several sets of fingerprints, including SpongeBob’s, Squidward’s, and Mr. Krabs.” The third piece of evidence I am bringing to the light is evidence number four which states “The floor in the Krusty Krab restaurant was covered with Mr. Krabs’s blood, but it was also very slick with cooking grease—several of the crime scene investigators slipped and fell during the investigation.” My fourth piece of evidence I am bringing to the light is evidence number six that clearly says “There was My second to last piece of evidence I am bringing up is number twenty which says “Squidward saw SpongeBob enter the Krusty Krab restaurant two hours before Mr. Krabs was found dead”. An hour later, he heard Mr. Krabs screaming loudly. After waiting a while, Squidward went into the restaurant to investigate, and that’s when he found the dead body.” My last piece of evidence I would like to bring up is number twenty one which says “SpongeBob testified that two weeks before Mr. Krabs’s death, Mr. Krabs accidentally cut his finger on a

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