Mr. Piland: A Career In Secondary Education

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Teaching with a Touch of History A inspiring quote from Mr. Piland is “I love it when students get into the material in class and get excited.” Mr Piland is a High School Bible Teacher At Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy, Mr. Piland is involved in Secondary Education. Secondary Education, or also known as, High school teaching. High School can be from grades 6-12 or 9-12 depending on the school.There are several jobs within Secondary Education, but the main one I will talk about is teaching. Teaching is simply teaching High School curriculum to students in any of the academic subjects. The lessons in High School can be taught in many ways. In the U.S. they are normally taught in a classroom to about 20 students through lectures and test assessments …show more content…

To be a successful teacher you need to have good communication skills (Secondary Education). Communication is key between students and the teacher, from answering questions in class to making sure everyone knows they have a test next week. Communication between the parents of the students is important. To know when a student is having trouble and his parents need to know why. Also a good teacher needs to communicate well with fellow teachers and staff. Now to teach in any state you need a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education (Secondary Education). You also need a major in the subject you wish to teach (Secondary Education). All schools, especially public schools, require teaching credentials or a license given by the state (Secondary Education). According to Shireen D. who is a High School teacher in Texas she says, “Surround yourself with positive people, keep learning, improving and striving for better. Make sure you take time for yourself and don't burn out.” As a new teacher it can be easy to over work yourself and get discouraged at how hard it is and lack of progress made by students. A new teacher could also be swamped in their first year or two by not managing their time well (Ramey) “As a new teacher the first year or even fewer will be the hardest” (Piland). It is important a teacher does not get caught in the bad and moments were the students do …show more content…

History is not one class but several if not a few. It all depends on the school but some are mandatory and some are not. For another example a mandatory class would be US history and a none history class would be European history. Some classes under History include Social Studies, Studying Rome, and Historiography. The list of things to study under History are endless, and that is just history. History has so many classes to take under it and yet it is considered a shrinking field (Ramey). The values and importance behind history are too valuable to lose, the fight must be made to ensure History stays as a mandatory class for

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