
Mr. White Was Responsible For Murder In Monkey's Paw

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The room was cold. The two men looked towards the table carrying the most important case of their careers. Four faces sneered at them from the confines of the paper they were trapped in. The first man turned towards the others. "One person in these pictures was responsible for the death of Herbert White and the suicide of Mrs. White", he spoke gruffly and quickly as if trying to spit them out. "It's obvious. None of this would have happened if they weren't involved.", said the second who, was more of himself than he was sure that the sky was blue. The police officers threw the other three pictures away. The culprit was sitting comfortably by himself on the desk now. A feeling of accomplishment filled officer John's heart. It had been 20 years since the case opened and now it was officially closed. He quietly whispered to himself, "Mr. White you are under arrest for being responsible for the death of your wife and son." The manila folder was officially closed and at the top in red bold letters it said, "Monkey's Paw. Private detectives hired by W. W. Jacobs inquiring about who was responsible for murdering his father." The case was finished. Mr. White had done it. …show more content…

White holds the most responsibility for the atrocities that the Monkey's Paw caused his family. Mr. White was the person who made the first wish of his own free will. His greedy desires and want of two hundred pounds started off the domino effect of problems. " 'I wish for two hundred pounds,' said the old man distinctly." If he didn’t wish then none of the after effects would have taken

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