Mr. Wilson's Death Of Tom In The Great Gatsby

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Tom was the one to tell Mr. Wilson that it was Gatsby’s car that ran over Myrtle. This is seen, “I told him the truth,” he said” (178. 19). This is when Nick confronts Tom about Gatsby’s death and his suspicion that Tom was the culprit. Tom goes on, “What if I did tell him? That fellow had it coming to him” (178. 24-25). This shows again that Tom did not care for Gatsby or what happened to him, even if it was Tom’s fault he died. Because Tom was the one who told Mr. Wilson about Gatsby’s car, Mr. Wilson then went and shot Gatsby out of anger and with no further evidence it was Gatsby’s fault. Since Tom was seen driving that car earlier, it was his actions that led both Mr. and Mrs. Wilson to see the yellow car. That is why when Myrtle ran