Mrs. Mallard In Kate Chopin's The Story Of An Hour

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In the short story, “The Story of An Hour,” written by Kate Chopin a woman named Louise Mallard is given the devastating news leading her to believe her husband had passed away. Mrs. Mallard’s close friend and sister try to tell her this news in the most gentle way possible since she had a heart condition, but almost immediately Mrs. Mallard started crying and locked the door to her room. Once the crying halted she quickly realized all the freedom she now had in her life because of her husband’s passing. After all the exciting thoughts of her new life, her sister bangs on the door and gets her out of the room. Mr. Mallard walked through the front door, unknown that everyone had thought he was dead. Once seeing her now alive husband, Mrs. Mallard’s heart problems drop made her dead down to the floor. In this story Mrs. Mallard is a dynamic character who Chopin uses to show how MARRIAGE OFTEN OPPRESSES PEOPLE INTO RESTRICTIVE THOUGHTS ABOUT BEING A SELF SUFFICIENT, INDIVIDUAL AND FREQUENTLY STOPS THE CURIOSITY OF WHAT ELSE THE WORLD HAS TO OFFER. At the beginning of the short story Mrs. Mallard is taken by the news of her husband’s death, since their whole lives seem to revolve around each other. The childish weeping in her room portrays her as a weak and fragile wife, but nonetheless loving toward her spouse. But in that same amount of time she realized the joys that can come from such a tragic death, making her seem almost unaffected by the situation. Her key trait in this