Ms. V. M: Trauma Case Study

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Ms. V. M is a 33 y/o female presented at Howard University Hospital psychiatric unit with symptoms of depression, mania, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, eating disorders, denies destructibility, irresponsibility, grandiosity, flight of ideas, and non-compliance with medication. She was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder of hearing voices “bizarre behavior at a group home”. However, Ms. V.M has eleventh grade education, no kids, watches tmz for fun and she is unemployed. She endorses that she doesn’t need any special education. Moreover, she can respond to a command; but her verbal expression is characterized by 1-2 word responses and in a very limited initiation. She was seen lying on the floor drilling continuously. In addition, during lunch time, I noticed she was not using the silverware to eat. So, I offered her a fork and a spoon but she used her fingers instead to eat. Ms. V. M walked out on her food while she was eating and went to the window. She was standing there for couple minutes and then came back to her food. She struggled to open the cart of drink …show more content…

The weighted lap blanket is a type of modality use for sensory therapy. It provides important sensory information to the joints, muscles and provides proprioceptive input to the body. . Ms. V. M will benefit from using the weighted lap blanket to wrapping around her shoulders for self- comforting, to lay down to relax, self-nurture, used to rest or sleep on it or laid across her lap for comfort. Most of all, it provides a fun tactile benefit for her to fidgets. It is portable and can be taken anywhere such as to her doctor’s office to release anxiety and ease her mind. The weighted lap blanket can be clean and care for by dry cleaning to keep the shape and the materials in place. Nonetheless, the weighted lap blanket can also be used as preparatory methods to prepared a child with ADD/ADHD, ASD for

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