Mt. Laurel Case Summary

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On the date of 2006, December 7th, regarding the court case: Mount Laurel Township vs. MiPro Homes L.L.C, the Appellate Division of Superior Court reversed the ruling of a trial Court. The ruling by the Appellate Division of Superior Court was later affirmed by the New Jersey Supreme court, and the United States Supreme Court. The trial court entered an injunction – preventing actions against MiPro Home’s L.L.C.’s 16.3 acre parcel – dismissing Mount Laurel’s case. The appellate court adjudicated that, Mount Laurel Township had not improperly exercised eminent domain in condemning the 16.3-acre parcel.
Before examining the court case Mount Laurel Township vs. MiPro Homes L.L.C., it is important to understand the past legislation of the municipality and the state. Between the years 1960 and 1999, Mount Laurel’s population grew approximately 762%, at a rate of nearly 1,000 people per year. Such rapid growth began to negatively affect schools, roads, and municipal services. Fast forward to 1999, the town of Mount Laurel adopts an “Open Space Recreation …show more content…

MiPro Homes is then offered 400,00 for the 16.3-acre parcel, but declined. On May 9th, 2002 the Planning Board grants MiPro the final subdivision approval, and 15 days later Mount Laurel condemns the MiPro site. On May 31st, 2002 a declaration of taking is filed, as the municipality was unable to voluntarily obtain the site. During the 22-day period between subdivision approval and declaration of taking, MiPro conducted significant site preparation; which caused litigation to

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