Much Ado About Nothing Love Analysis

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What do you define love to be? The play Much Ado About Nothing ,by Shakespeare, displays qualities of being in love between the characters Hero, and Claudio, along with Benedick and Beatrice. Hero, and Claudio do not display the qualities, or actions that are known to come with being in love, and are not actually in love, in opposite effect, Benedick and Beatrice do display these qualities, and actions, and are in love. Opposite to Benedick and Beatrice, Hero and Claudio display a lack of love,or at least not real love, with one another. Hence,for example in the play it says,¨Give me your hand before this holy Friar. I am your husband, if you like of me.¨ (Shakespeare, 100) This quote shows that Claudio was ready to marry another person, Friar as he says he is her husband, and even, most likely, knowing this, Hero continues to take Claudios hand in marriage. Love as defined by is - a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for apparent, child, or friend. By this definition, Claudio and Hero do not display the qualities of,¨love,¨ as Claudio is not really attached to Hero, or deeply in love with her. This is true, because as soon as Hero was deemed to be,¨Dead,¨ Claudio was ready to marry someone …show more content…

This also shows that Claudio doesn’t feel too deeply about her emotionally too, because he got over her quickly enough to be ready to marry the very next day, and doesn’t mourn, or go into any kind of shock for