Multiple Sclerosis Nancy Mairs Analysis

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Nancy Mairs, a feminist writer who has Multiple Sclerosis, defines the terms in which she interest the most with the world. Nancy Mairs will name herself a cripple and not be by others. She will choose a word that represents her reality for example in the beginning of her story she mentioned about her being in the bathroom trying to come up with a story about cripples. She was in the handicap bathroom and when she tried to open the door she fell, landing fully clothed on the toilet seat with her legs splayed in front of her and she said “the old beetle -on-it’s back routine.” not only does she make fun of herself, but she also has a great sense of humor. The little details she puts on her stories will make you picture it in your mind. She just doesn't want her readers to see her as a handicap person, but a person who wants the world to see her as a tough woman. One whom the fates, gods, viruses have not been kind, but who can face the brutal truth of her disabilities. Nancy Mairs, gets through life by having a sense of humor. After living with what Mari’s calls being crippled, she tends to find a moment of humor to reflect on her life and living with MS. she first makes it very clear that she refers to herself as a …show more content…

Even though she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, she is still able to have the strength to achieve anything that is possible to her. Because of having MS, the unpredictable course of the disease were terrifying to her. Each night she would get into bed wondering whether she will ever get out again the next morning. Whether she be able to see, speak, to hold a pen between, knowing that one day might come. With the horrible situation in Nancy's life she had the strength to overcome any obstacle. No disease is going to stop her from reaching those goals of