Muntathar's Metamorphosis

269 Words2 Pages
How One Visit To The Chiropractor Changed This Boy 's Life Forever!

At just 17 years old, Muntathar Altaii suffered an injury that was set to change his mobility and life forever. Muntathar suffered a debilitating injury after trying to pull out the root of a tree. He was left bed bound for three months. The pain was of such significance that Muntathar could not stand straight and eventually lost all feeling in his right leg.

Following the accident, Muntathar was diagnosed with Kyphosis. Kyphosis is characterised by a curvature of the spine which is so extreme that it causes a visible curvature of the torso. Internally, Kyphosis affects the thoracic and sacral regions of the spine. This condition leads to an outwardly obvious curvature of