Museum Of Science And Industry Essay

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The Museum of Science and Industry is an educational museum in Chicago that appeals to young children with its interactive exhibits. Their website is intended for basic information about the museum most likely for the use of parents who plan on visiting the museum with their kids. The website has useful information, but overall, it not necessarily in an engaging format. While serving the purpose of informing possible visitors of details regarding hours, directions, and upcoming exhibits, the Museum of Science and Industry’s website presents this information with poor design and readability, but a good system of navigation. The Museum of Science and Industry’s website tries to catch the visitor’s attention with a busy and somewhat interesting …show more content…

At the top of the page, there is a right-to-left navigation bar with “visit the museum” as the first link which is important since that is most likely the reason most people go on the website. From there, after you click one of the top links, a new navigation bar appears to the left with more specific options such as admission and directions on how to get there. This is very useful to anyone using the site and it is definitely a perk. While these top links in the navigation bar are good, it might not be clear right away what each one takes you to. However, if you scroll all the way to the bottom, it shows the same options but with more links underneath each one of them that you can click for more specific details. For example, under “what’s here” it shows links to exhibits, omnimax theater. tours and experiences, events, and it even includes a map of the building. This is the best part from the overall navigation but it is at the very bottom of the page and first-time users might not notice it right away. It would be better if the top navigation bar had a drop down menu with each of these options when you hovered over the

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