
Music Advertising Benefits

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We all have favorite songs that we love to hear in commercials, on radios and in any advertisements that we listen to. Musicians are starting to question the idea of sharing their music with business owners who create these ads we see or glance at today. They don 't want their music to be abused in a way for a bad commercial, but how else will the musicians grow in their popularity? In order for an artist or artists ' to be successful in the music industry, they need to allow their music to be used in advertising. Is it worth the risk? Absolutely. There are so many benefits that a musician can gain by sharing their hit songs with advertisers '. For instance, they get the exposure they need in order to have a successful career. According to, "The New Necessity in the …show more content…

What if putting in all of this time and money into this chance on being successful, doesn 't work out? That would be so much useful profit thrown down the drain and it would never come back. From "Selling Out Not Worth the Risk", these artists face a lot of big decisions and they what a "bigger paycheck" (Johnson). It is extremely difficult for new comers in the music business because only little people are known of their work and if they just keep trying to sell their songs to corporations, these will gain no profits at the end of it. However, that 's where it 's wrong. It 's the little advertisements that people invest in. Going back to the Black Eyed Peas example, they put their songs into little advertisements, but gained more at the end. It just takes time and musicians shouldn 't give up on that. Becoming known may take a little bit, but once they are recognized, it 's the little things like the advertisers they will thank. Advertising artists music can be a successful thing if the the artist wants it to be. The exposure may start off little but at the end, it 's way better than they could ever imagine. The musicians need to know on their end though that it takes work and time to

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