Music Should Not Be Apart Of The Education System

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Music Education “Fa La La…” Music is catchy whether it is a jingle in a commercial or a catchy melody in a popular song. Some may say music classes should not be apart of the Education system because it causes students to become distracted from other academics like Math. Music is beneficial for students to have in school. Beneficial factors include improving math skills, increasing social skill and help develop the English language. Music class has been known to help improve math skills. In an article for the Journal for Learning Through Arts, authors; An- Song, Caprano and Tillman conducted a five-week study where teachers integrated music in their math lessons. The lessons included teaching fractions using the concept of the note values in music and hand bells and a keyboard used to teach data analysis based on the problems the students created themselves. Once the five-week research study was over, they all found that there was a significant growth in the score of the post assessment testing (14). They saw improvement in three different areas:1) solving problems using charts and tables the students drew themselves, 2) using math symbols to solve equations, and 3) …show more content…

Tons of research was done to help students with social skills issues ( Darrrow, para. 4). A study found that 75% of students with learning disabilities manifest social skills deficits, which make them, stand out more than students with no learning disabilities. Kalvale and Forness (qtd. Darrow, 2014). Having music class be apart of the education system is a big part in helping the 75% of students learns social skills. Darrow goes on to add tips for music teachers to help out with social skills in their classrooms, the tips include letting the students be apart of choosing the music or setting up groups where students with the disabilities can learn from the student that don’t have a disabilities (para

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