The article, Special Education: Music Therapy Research and Evidence Based Practice Support, advocates for the use of music therapy programs among special education students. Taking a scientific approach to educational policies, American Music Therapy Association informs the public of the benefits which would occur from utilizing music therapy as a secondary aid for those with special needs, and how music therapy programs have significantly improved special education students’ abilities to learn. Their studies allow participants to undergo certain periodic music therapy treatments and have discovered marvelous results: which includes various benefits ranging from increased attention and socialization to significant decrease in cortisol and stress …show more content…
Both the organization and the article aims to persuade the public of utilizing music therapy programs, in particular for students with special needs. Moreover, the credibility of the source arises from both the accuracy of the claims and the authority of the sources. American Music Therapy Association is a national organization whose goals is to reveal benefits of this particular activity. Furthermore, the claims on the article are very well supported by many other studies and experiments done by other journals, most of which have expertise in medicine or psychology. Though the exact date of this particular article is not known, the readers are able to assume this article is current, as many of the reference studies are done in the 2000s. The readers would have to assume that the article itself would have to be created after the other referenced journals. This topic is extremely relevant today, as legislations have began to be passed for equality among disabled individuals. Special education students will be able to improve their social and mental conditions, thus have the ability to learn just as an ordinary