
'My Auntie Told Me Not To Run': Character Analysis

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If Piggy were put in a highschool group he would be with the nerds. “He came forward, searching out safe lodgments for his feet, then looked up through thick spectacles (7).”. This shows that piggy would be a nerd because he has very thick glasses. The searching for safe lodgments for his feet means he is looking for safe spots to put his feet at so they don't burn or get hurt so you can tell he doesnt go outside a lot. Piggy is also not a jock either. In the quote “”My auntie told me not to run” on account of my asthma (9).” This shows he isnt a jock because he doesnt run he thinks if he runs he will pretty much die because he has asthma. This also shows that he is a very good kid because he listens to everything his auntie says. In another
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