My Essay On Moving Back To Calaveras County

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As I stated in my prior essay, I plan on going to U.N.R to get my Bachelors in Nursing. Once that happens, I will move back here to Calaveras County and work in the hospital in San Andreas. This scholarship will bring me many opportunities to be able to follow my dream of moving back home and working for my community. As everyone knows, scholarships both big and small help you to pay for your college education. I've read over and have seen many scholarships that I plan on applying for, but none come even close to the size of this Samsung Scholarship. With the help of this scholarship, I will be able to go U.N.R and pay off almost a year of schooling there! The less money I am having to pay for college will eventually help me achieve my future plans, which I will present later in this essay. This shcholarship will allow me to pay for a good chunk of my freshman year if I am chosen to receive the award. …show more content…

In my opinion, taking care of the community's health will be the biggest help I can give back to my small county. In Calaveras, everyone is so closely connected to one another, and possibly saving someone's life or taking care of someone's extremely ill mother can bring us together even more, making us stronger as a community. By receiving this scholarship, I will be able to become a nurse and begin to start taking care of my community right

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