My First Car Research Paper

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First Car My great uncle waved mournfully watching his one of his prized possessions drive off in my hands. Just last year I bought my first car from my great uncle and aunt that live in Humboldt. It was also my great aunt’s first and only car. She didn’t get her license until her middle 70’s, so it isn’t as old as you may think. It is a ’93 Ford Probe. It is a deep midnight blue, it sits low as if I were practically sitting on the ground, and is in the best condition possible for a twenty-one year old car. When I drove it for the first time, it was like playing with matches. I liked the exhilaration, but I just wanted to take it nice and slow to ensure that I got properly acquainted with my new car to be. When I got my chance to …show more content…

I found myself amazed by just how well it sounded. Nothing like the ear-piercing sound of a huge diesel truck, but it was the sound of joy of finally having the chance to call this car “mine”. It then came the chance to take her out for a spin. My heart thudded deep in my chest and I felt myself starting to sweat knowing that going too quick right off the bat would lead to a long day. I closely surveyed the area to make sure I wasn’t going to surprise any unfortunate people driving by, slowly pressed the brake down, and swiftly pulled back the gearshift into drive. Not knowing how much pressure I had to exert on the pedal, I had pressed too hard and felt the scent of burnt exhaust tickle my nostrils. The car jerked forward and off I went down the aged, cracked street trying to figure out how this car worked, hitting every indent in the road. I took my time to enjoy the fresh air pour in through the windows and eying homes from a new perspective. After just one satisfying loop around the block, I knew that this was the car for me. My mind was uneasy and also excited because I remembered I had a long sixty miles back to Hampton that I had to survive. Finally after saying my thanks to my great uncle and aunt, I was able to drive back home with a car of my own. I closely followed my Dad’s red, Chevy pickup the best I could without getting lost in the busy traffic of the