
My Friend Came To America Analysis

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Born in El Salvador, one of the smallest countries in Central America , was lucky to be part of a more fortunate family. In order for my family to be where they are now, there were many sacrifices they had to make. At the age of eight, I met a friend from America that had came to visit my country. He came from the city life and the way that I imagined it to be was different.
Every year around Christmas time, my friend from America would come to visit the country I lived in. The weather was windy and a bit sunny. Most of the time it was hot. Since my friend was used to having air conditioners , he would get disgusted for having to come forcibly. One afternoon, we were walking around the neighborhood and suddenly he started laughing. I didn’t quite understood what was funny. There were people walking in front of us and I noticed their clothes weren’t as good as the ones my friend had. It took me a while to come back to reality and see what was really going on. Knowing what my friend was doing I asked him, “what is so funny?”. Before he could answer, he told me that in America, no one that he knew would …show more content…

Growing up in the countryside wasn’t easy for many. Watching such kind of discrimination towards the way my friend treated the other families was something new to me. I had never seen anything like it and just the thought of it made me really sick. My mother had taught me that not because you wear or have better things makes you any better than the rest. Everyone is equal no matter the gender, race, ethnicity and religion. Having witnessed that event in my own country, even if I wasn’t old enough to know between what 's right and wrong, came to my knowledge. I knew that my friend point of view was wrong. At such a young age I couldn’t do anything about it due to I was too scared. On that day on, I decided to not talk about it with him due to I had my own

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