My Goals For College

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Throughout high school and college you have to set little goals to achieve the big picture. Each one of these goals is a stepping stone towards the real goal. Each must be completed in order to advance to the next. My goal for the future is to be successful and be able to provide and support for my family. To do this we must go through a series of smaller goals that will lead op to the big overarching goal in the end. This goal might seem large at first but when u break it up and allow yourself to work at they become much easier to obtain. My first goal is achieve a favorable GPA in high school for college. During high school I must strive to complete all of my work and make an effort to go further then the course extends. This will involve studying and asking questions to make sure that i understand the material This will ensure a solid foundation of knowledge to build on later in life. I must also complete some extracurricular activities to show that i can multitask and do various task and clubs together seamlessly. All of these goals combines should ensure that i can get into a respectable college. …show more content…

My college GPA will be seen by employers and i would prefer it to be satisfactory. I will also want to be in some sort of extracurricular so that i can create a network of individuals with the same goals as i have so that they can help me complete will be a place for me to understand what i really want ot do i life and i can prepare or change my focus depending on what i enjoy doing. College is all about experiences before work so i want to cram a lot of my adventure and creative spirit into my college

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