
My Lai Research Paper

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The events of My Lai is a story where a beautiful country named Vietnam, a free and beautiful country that until one day, the U.S troops was sent to Vietnam, Quang Ngai to “liberate” the non-communist citizens during cold war era. America at that time was trying hard to extreminate communist elements due to the cold war with Russia. The combination of unclear orders by higher officers, frustration of seeing fellow armies being killed by Hostlile Vietcongs bred racism and anger, mental pressure whether to follow orders to kill innocent civilans or to refuse, created a chaotic combination that led into a great remorse in Vietnam, especially My Lai village.
For starters, like a worker bee recieving orders from the queen bee, most of the soldiers at that time had adequate “training” by the higher officers, which is only to shoot without …show more content…

It is commonly known in history that ladies are used as a “stress reliever” for males by engaging in a sexual activity. Soldiers at that time saw powerless civilians as a “fruit” that is ripe to be plucked, therefore causing rape to occur. Of course, if people outside Vietnam knew what happened on the battlefield, only an insane person would approve their wrongdoings, and the soldiers would be punished too. Therefore, Captain Medina have already devised a plan in which case if someone asked what happened on the battlefield. When the author of My Lai interviewed Herbert L. Carter (My Lai, Herbert L. Carter, Testimony to peers commision, p.125) the soldiers admitted that whenever they are asked about the past events, he would say a lie that a Sniper shot a round to them, prompting to necessary violence to

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