My Passion For Art And Design

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A purple house with a yellow door under the pink sky painted innocently on a piece of paper, this preschool version of me was brave enough in picking over the colors. If I can recall those days on my dad’s studio, that was the first time when I had a thought of becoming an Architect like him. However, through all the inspirations of creative-related that I have gained in high school, I finally discovered art and design as the most suitable field for my future career. On the other hand, there were times when I faced with a tough decision and felt unsure of my own choice. But with the immense passion, I finally completed my study at Institut Teknologi Nasional and graduated with honor from Visual Communication Design.

During four years of my undergraduate study, I truly enjoyed the courses that help me improve my senses in exploring colors and composition such as “Applicative Illustration” which has led me to create a contemporary illustration book of Batik from Trusmi Cirebon as my final year project. The main goal of this project is to deliver the valuable messages behind the philosophy of Batik by illustrating the motifs with lively colors without changing its original form, in order to broaden the understanding of young generation towards Batik as one of the greatest Indonesia culture heritage. Through this experience, I could fuse the passion for design, art, and fashion into an artistic and communicative creation. Nevertheless, concentrating more on how to deliver the

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