Speech About Family History

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Are you fulfilled? Do you have a sense of purpose and fulfillment? I believe that a connection to our ancestors is vital to our personal growth. The same phenomenon that occurs when you clean, or rearrange a room to function better, shows up when you put your ancestors in order and focus on the hidden gifts they left for you. Call it the Feng shui of your spiritual life!

In the wake of natural and personal disaster I automatically think about families and how they are affected. What are the stories of the individuals who were lost? How much do the surviving loved ones know about the lives that were lived? Can we find some motivation to stay connected with the living and use our time better today to learn more about our past? And can we find a way and a reason to leave a more complete record of our lives for future generations?

People start doing family history research for many reasons. Maybe you want to know where you came from for medical reasons. Some of you need a better sense of who you are because you were adopted. Perhaps you don't know why you're drawn to search for your roots. But something has been pulling you back to the past with all of its mysteries. No matter the reason, once you start a whole new world will open. Literally!

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When I start talking to someone about family history there is either fire in the eyes or there is boredom. Why dead people, some ask? Many people feel no desire or see no need for a connection to their ancestors. But when I start creating a real life from details found on documents and photographs or family stories the excitement builds. Gradually an emotional connection is made. Physical, emotional, psychological, and occupational similarities are found. Every time, without exception, someone will say that so-and-so reminds them so much of one of their living relatives, a son or daughter, or sometimes of themselves. And another heart is turned. I love