My Political Ideology Essay

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When I began this assignment my political ideology was Republican. My political ideology is still Republican, but I have learned that I have some Democratic qualities. Republicans are family and religious based. The Democratic side believes more in terms of letting immigrants be treated as equal as us. I agree with that unlike the Republican party, they believe that immigrants should not come into the U.S and that we should be treated higher than them. In some of the quizzes I took I was wondering why I was getting results that were Republican but not the highest standard Republican. I realized that I am Republican, but I do have some Democratic beliefs. On some of the quizzes I recorded in my notes, says that I got moderate Republican. This …show more content…

After doing this assignment I have learned a lot more political terms and definitions. I now know what more or less liberal means and more about what conservative means. When I was taking the quizzes I didn't understand a lot of the terms so I had to look them up. By having to look them up I learned some more new terms. One of the quizzes we took determined your political ideology by asking you if you prefer cats or what computer software you use. I see how there might be a connection but i'm a little confused how they could tell. I bet a lot of Republicans choose cats over dogs and a lot of Democrats choose dogs over cats. In one of the paragraphs for a quiz I took it said my group would have a SUV instead of a pickup. I do not agree with this because people can drive whatever car they want. Whether you're Republican or Democrat you should not be entitled to a certain car. All of this debate stuff is so stressful and complicated. Everyone is so different in what they believe and what they think of certain topics. The whole internet has blown up with Trump and Hillary. It is hard to tell who will win because half the people like one and the other half are for the other