
Mystery And Murder In Rebecca By Daphne Du Maurier

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A story of a woman who married a man was then tragically murdered and lost deep in the sand. Rebecca is a novel about mystery and murder written by Daphne du Maurier in 1938, and it is still popular today. Rebecca is one of the novels that everyone enjoyed, it was filled with mystery and puzzles that kept the readers engrossed while reading. The novel had many twists and turns, and most of the time readers could not even predict the next move. This novel teaches us that we can not always judge a book by its cover and that what on the inside counts the most. Here Magnificat challenges its students to look beyond the physical appearance of a person and get to know them for who they are. Rebecca is a novel that deserves a spot for next years curriculum to fill it with an intense murder mystery that will push students to engage in the reading in and outside of the class. …show more content…

Some can be tedious while others can be fascinating, but it is all based on opinion. One novel that interested many of the students was REBECCA. This novel is an eerie mystery where the plot changes on almost every page. This novel also teaches a valued lesson to never judge a book by its cover. In the novel, Rebecca was portrayed as a nice, proper woman but as students realize later, she is nothing as she seems. Magnificat teaches its students that everyone is unique and that no one should ever judge a person without knowing them first. Rebecca teaches the readers that on the outside looking in everything seems perfect, but on the inside looking out everything is

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