Myth And Meaning In James Dickey's Delivernes

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James Dickey's novel has been read and reviewed by many people over the years. Each reviewer looked at the characters, setting and storyline and came up with a different interpretation. "Myth and Meaning in James Dickey's Deliverance" and “Self -Interviews” (tape recordings) were Daniel Guillory's review of the author and novel. Guillory believed Dickey's novel was tied into nature, nature’s cycles, along with some mythical connections. “Dickey’s Deliverance: Sex and the Great Outdoors” by Eugene Longen is another review which finds the novel to have a sexual twist.. He points out that outside of the suburban lifestyle and ethics nature is primitive and sexual. Keen Butterworth’s "The Savage Mind of James Dickey’s Deliverance" …show more content…

Each of the friends brings to the trip a different set of skills, due in part to their different jobs. Lewis Madlick is a real estate agent and is the man behind the idea of the trip. He is a very athletic man and has skills in fishing, archery and weightlifting. He is a single man who likes to do things his own way and can be very persuasive. Drew Ballinger is a family man and a corporate executive in the soft drink business. He believes that things follow a certain order, certain rules, and there are consequences for not following them. These are responsibilities he takes seriously. Bobby Trippe is an insurance salesman. In his job, he must be able to sell himself, as well as his insurance. He needs to be able to “please” others yet gain their confidence in him. Ed Gentry is another family man. As an advertising executive, he is one of the bosses in his small business. It is a successful agency but not one that requires a great deal of creativity or hard work. His job provides for his family, gives him something to do daily but not real exciting. All the men are invited by Lewis on this weekend trip to view nature as it is before the dam changes it