NASA Argumentative Essay

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For five decades NASA has been trying to create new technology to be able to discover planets that can inhabit or have life on their crust. NASA’s discoveries with their technology in 2017 on finding earth-like planets, have the question of possible extraterrestrial life coming to an exciting conclusion. These new discoveries can create a huge impact on science if these planets point to a new civilization that will end that long held question. However, these planets could conjure fright in the world due to the fact that there could be a new form of life. The use of NASA’s technology to help prove that there could be life on other planets, have found the Trappist-1 System, planet Ross 128 b, and the Kepler-90 Star System, which are the best candidates for life and are great examples of our advancements in technology. …show more content…

They have found multiple planets light years away. The above planets are found in the right temperature and distance range that is needed to produce life. The planets are either found by themselves with another group of planets or, they are found in little clusters with each other and other gas-based planets such as Jupiter. Some planets that NASA has found at first seem to be Earth-like but in fact are not because of the enormous temperature difference. To find these planets, NASA uses special advanced telescopes and other technology that can see them from light-years away. Most of these planets can still possibly have life but some need a few more ingredients like water, land, oxygen, and other elements on the periodic table to make it the perfect habitable

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