Nadiya Sparknotes

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he book was about two persons, Seth and Nadiya. Seth is not a normal person, he can see the ghosts of the dead people. Seth and Nadiya was supposed to go on holyday in London, but it went wrong. They were for example cached by a big group of zombie slaves. They were fighting for no more slavery. They was trying to heal the wounds of past and present.
The main characters in this book is Seth and Nadiya because, in the book it is about them trying to face their worst fear. It is mostly about them. It is some other characters that is important to. For example: Seth’s mum, the leader Caesari, the guards and the slaves. Seth: He can see ghosts from the dead, he is a weary smart and though person. He is in the book nearly every scene. …show more content…

She is the one that want to explore and fight back. She is pushing Seth to join her. Nadiya is the toughest person in the book. She is wary much in the book with Seth. For example, when Seth don’t want to go two the old slavery, Nadiya is pushing him to do it.
Both of the character is nearly liking everyone, but they don’t like the leader of the slavery Caesari. In the book there is no history of the characters past.
Here is an example in the text when Seth are worried about his mum, the page is 9: Nadiya his mum said. Rosa will be getting restless. Seth looked at his mum, struck by a sudden, sickening fear she could be a shadow soon too.
The story is happening in England in the city London. The year is 2017. The scenes are form different places for example: The hospital, the old slavery place, Nadiyas house and different museums. The time id different from place to place. It is often on the night. The atmosphere in the story is dark, sad and you feel that something bad is going to …show more content…

Writing style and narrative voice.
The genre of the text is Short texts and science fiction. In this text it is 3rd person view because, the story is being told that it is a narrator outside the text that is telling us everything.
Here is an example of 3rd person view page 47: Seth was holding his mums hand. She was unconscious. Or asleep. Seth wasn’t quite sure what the difference was. When he started talking he thought had felt her squeeze his hand, but now he could be sure.
I feel that the language is pretty simple. It is normal sentences and the texts is easy to read.
I liked the text sometimes and sometimes not. I liked the text because it was sometimes action. In the book the text was sent so hard to read, so I understood the text better. I liked the action when they escaped the zombie slaves. The things I didn’t like was for example: Seth said that they must gather resources to fight the slaves. Then Nadiya answers where do we get weapons, Seth answers with: we don’t need weapons, we need history. I think this was a little boring in the book. It was also other scenes that were kind of