Naked Girl Aesthetic Analysis

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The historical context behind this photo is the attack from the North Vietnamese army to the South Vietnamese. The South Vietnamese were supported by the United States army.This strike was supposed to end the war between the North and South Vietnam. The technical constraints in this image is that to make a difference in the situation of both countries, something big had to happen so the napalm strike worked as a war ender but it also left children running for their lives burning which is an inhuman thing to do.The ethical issues that can be perceived is the use of a napalm to strike a little town affected people who weren’t involved in this war because this children do not have the capacity yet to participate in a war and still they got hurt from the attack. …show more content…

Also people from all around the world noticed this strike happen since it had a great impact in the war situation in the world.For the critical lens, the image looks to focus in the children running for their lives to show the dramatic situation these children had to go through by the awful disasters that were happening in the time. Also that the photographer wants to emphasize an exact part of the image which is the naked girl. The aesthetic analysis can be shown also in the photo by appearing in many ways, some can show the entire picture and some can appear like cropped or missing items.The composition of the image consists of a field which is burning from the Napalm Strike. The American Soldiers that can be seen on the back which are helping the South Vietnamese children to survive. An interesting fact is when we saw in the gaze when the image can be divided in the middle into two similar pieces as well can happen with this photo which can be in a form of a