
Napoleon And Mr Jones Comparison Essay

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Napoleon vs. Mr. Jones Napoleon and Mr. Jones are similar in many ways and different in many ways. We can find many similarities and differences between these two characters toward the end of the book. Both Napoleon and Mr. Jones drank lots of alcohol, and they both torture the rest of the animals on the farm. These are some similarities, but there are also many different things that they have. For example, Napoleon is a pig and Mr. Jones is a human. These are only a few ways that Napoleon and Mr. Ones are similar or different. Some more similarities are that they both traded resources for money. This was not particularly a good thing because they were trading too much food and were not feeding the animals that were on the farm. They were …show more content…

At the beginning Napoleon and Mr. Jones didn’t like each other. Napoleon himself even said, “ Man. Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished forever.” (Orwell, pg 8) Napoleon was a pig and Mr. Jones was a human. They didn’t like each other so Napoleon decided to do something about it, but then when Napoleon began to gain power he just became more and more like Napoleon. Although both Napoleon and Mr. Jones hurt the animals, Mr. Jones definitely neglected the animals a lot more than Napoleon did. Mr. Jones was constantly drunk. He would be so drunk that he would forget to feed the animals. Another thing that was different between them was that Napoleon treated the animas way worse than Mr. Jones did. He would kill any animal that got in his way or wasn’t working hard enough. An example of this was when Boxer was found laying down in the field, he didn’t try to help him, he just sent him away to the slaughter house. Also, Mr. Jones didn’t just treat some of the animals badly, he treated all of the animals bad. This is bad, but it is not near as bad as what Napoleon was doing to the rest of the animals. They both made the animals work harder than they needed to which ended up making life on the farm

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