Napoleon Bonaparte: Most Influential People In The 19th Century

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Throughout European history, owning and conquering lands has been one of the highest drives to start war. In 1796 the French government helped the Italian government by making a contract that allowed France to control part of their land, in return giving Italy a bigger army full of French soldiers. When this compromise was made however, wars between neighboring countries started as they wanted the land France was receiving. A young boy named Napoleon was desperate to keep the land safe, as he was born on an island near the country which his family resided on. While in the army to protect his homeland, he slowly turned into one of France’s best - and the world’s most fearful - emperors. Napoleon Bonaparte I was one of the most influential people in the nineteenth century by spreading french culture throughout the Eastern continents, remaking the European borders, and being one of the most successful military conquerors the world has ever known. Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769. At the young age of 11 years old …show more content…

In 1789 there was a small revolution in which the growth of French unemployment and needs of the army caused widespread discontent. Napoleon was determined to show the public the gains of the revolution and to regain France’s confidence. As a way to help calm the people of france, “...Napoleon created a government open to talent where former nobles, old regime officials, and Jacobins worked together” (Commire). With this new government in place, Napoleon was allowed to rule over the military and held great power in France. Due to him creating a stronger government and police force, during the 1802 election he was overwhelmingly voted into office (Commire). “Through his popularity with the French masses, the emperor held power and brought victories, glory, and the most effective government France had ever experienced”

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