Narcissism In Julius Caesar

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Government is an ever changing necessity in society, always developing and constantly adapting to the world around it. For centuries, civilizations have posed the question: how do we govern the best? Perhaps it is one that may not contain the perfect answer, however two forms of government have continuously been present in history that have made their notable mark on the world: a monarchy, ruled by one figure, and a democracy, ruled by the people. In England, a monarchy has been the dominant form of government throughout much of history. William Shakespeare was a prominent playwright during the English Elizabethan Age, and his stance on government is illuminated through his writing. In Julius Caesar, Shakespeare sympathizes with Ceasar, while …show more content…

One cannot deny that Caesar does have his moments of arrogance, and, granted, he is quickly gaining control over Rome. However, many of the qualities that are contributing to his negative portrayal, as well as calling upon for his murder, are exclusive to the conspirators alone. Much of Caesar’s negative characteristics are exposed through the dialogue of other characters, notably Cassius. He says that “Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world/ Like a Colossus, and we petty men/ Walk under his huge legs and peep about/ To find ourselves dishonorable graves.”(1.2.135-138). In this, Cassius is comparing Caesar to the giant Colossus statue. Although, in direct contradiction to this statement, Cassius also earlier implies that Caesar is a “sick girl”(1.2.28) due to him drowning and calling upon Cassius for help. Cassius depicts, and spreads, the image that Caesar is an all-powerful future tyrant, a threat larger than what he actually is when taking into account his history. This is out of one simple trait of Cassius’s own: jealousy. It is evident through Cassius’s disgruntled tone when speaking about Caesar, as well as his ulterior motives regarding Brutus, that jealousy is the true leading cause in spreading a negative perception of Caesar: “Well, Brutus, thou art noble; yet I see/ Thy honorable mettle may be wrought/ From that it is dispos’d; therefore it is meet.”(1.2.303-305). Even Cassius himself, the lead figure criticizing Caesar, forming this “negative perception,” recognizes that his cause is not fully justifiable, and his actions are going against an honorable moral compass. Through this, Shakespeare is in fact sympathizing with Caesar, as he demonstrates that while in the public eye, Caesar is constantly facing scrutiny from those jealous of his accomplishments and military prowess. Thus,