
Essay On Social Media Narcissism

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Social media narcissism is on the rise. The team behind Psychology Today compiled research to show that millennials could be the most narcissistic generation in history. Social media is one of the exemplifications of the problem. That’s not to say that everyone on social media is a narcissist, but it’s where these people tend to hang out.

Social networks are an ideal stage for narcissists to showcase themselves. Accordingly, a lot of people with narcissistic traits are drawn to these platforms as a new study conducted by psychologists.
Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have become an important part of the lives of many people worldwide. Around two billion users were active on Facebook at the end of 2016; 500 million regularly post photos on Instagram and more than 300 million communicate via Twitter.

The best example of a fictional character that deals with narcissism, and where we get the word narcissist, is from the beautiful Greek hunter named Narcissus. He was an extremely good-looking Greek youth and his obsession with beauty ultimately led to his death. While countless men and women fell in love with him because of his …show more content…

The way in which people naturally choose to use social media seems to be the key differentiating factor for narcissistic behavior. Narcissists tend to use social media to gain followers through self-promotion via selfies and body images. In contrast, non-narcissists tend to use social media to share authentic moments with close friends, rather than a following. They also share fewer selfies, have less followers or friends, and obtain less likes. However, the friends they do have on social media are typically more meaningful relationships that narcissists have with their

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