Narcissistic Personality Disorder

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Narcissism is derived from the Greek myth of Narcissus, the boy who fell in love with his own reflection. However, Narcissus does not fit the profile of a narcissistic personality disorder, seeing as he fits none of the major traits of NPD. In colloquial language, narcissism is just an obsessive and healthy love for oneself, usually regarding physical appearance. Contrary to popular belief, colloquial narcissism and a narcissistic personality disorder are two very different things. Narcissistic personality disorder is a very deep and rich disorder that is far more complex than the two-dimensional Narcissus. Narcissistic Personality Disorder Narcissistic personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by "a pervasive pattern …show more content…

Coccaro and Siever (2005) Empathy and Narcissistic Personality Disorder In a research article published by Schulze, he researched grey matter abnormalities in patients with NPD. He found that people with NPD had less grey matter volume than a neurotypical individual. He also addresses how NPD patients had impaired emotional empathy while cognitive aspects of their empathy were unaffected. In other words, patients with NPD are capable to feel empathy, but they have a specific deficit in their ability to emotionally respond to the observed emotional state of another person. INTERPERSONAL REACTIVITY INDEX lack of empathy = an inability to think of anyone but the narcissist themselves recent study indicated neurofunctional abnormalities of empathy-related brain regions in healthy individuals marked with narcissistic personality traits areas of the brain affected: grey matter, anterior insula Neurobiological Correlates of …show more content…

psychopath as an exaggerated narcissist lack of empathy and egocentrism. antisocial, disregard society 's social norms. disregard authority. eager. presses people for tangible and intangible goods. disregards boundaries, lack of respect for others, controls aspects of the other 's life. objectifies people. controlling psychopaths are sadistic. schadenfreude. short term gratification. unable to control their impulses. overrepresented in their prison population. incapable of maintaining long term relationships. take the money, sex, etc and go. disregard authority and carry this with disdain narcissists can control their impulses and delay gratification. long term planners. Able to maintain social relationships- even though they are false. they keep relations for narcissistic supply and extract resources from their contacts over long periods of time. they act in more socially acceptable ways. can put on a façade- to a certain extent. let slip certain warning signs how to spot a narcissist -blames failures other people. do not admit responsibility for their faults -hypervigilance. both narcissist and aspd. treat weak, poor, disabled people impatiently