Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Summary

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Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Summary The main character Frederick, starts by letting us know where he was born, which was in Tuckahoe in Maryland. We here that he didn’t even know how old he was, as the authenticity record of that number, has been hidden from him and the other slaves. That he couldn’t get to know his own age, like the white children could, was bothering him very much. At that point we get to know, that he was a slave already in the 1830’s when he was around seventeen years old. Frederick’s relationship to his mother wasn’t and couldn’t be very great, as he rarely saw her. It has got to mean a lot, as he never was met by a father figure, because he didn’t know who he was. He knew that his father was a white man besides his mother, that that was African derived. …show more content…

At this point in his life, he has only seen his mother in four, five hours. When he really started thinking about the fact, that his master could be his father, he must have felt a loss of hope and maybe a weakness. To get Abandoned by your own father can’t be a good felling, but he doesn’t really at this point shows any sign emotions, whether it’s a lack of emotions I don’t know, but the again, he is not sure that it is his father. One thing he knows, is that if the masters would want to be with any of the women they would do it, and then leave the woman with child. If the rumours were true and his master was really his father, he couldn’t stop thinking how he would be able to sell his own wife and