Naspers Value Added Statement Analysis

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Economic performance Naspers is operated as a sustainable business, both in terms of the environment and long-term profitability. Their values demonstrate our commitment to progress along this journey. But Naspers is also a responsible corporate citizen, by giving back to its communities. The value-added statement illustrates how the group distributes its earnings and how much it retains for reinvestment. Value added is defined as the value created by the activities of a business and its employees and is calculated as revenue less the cost of generating that revenue. The value-added statement (see page 19 of the annual report) reports on the calculation of the value added and its application across stakeholder groupings. This statement shows …show more content…

It promotes the well-being of society, its customers and its employees by contributing to programmes and initiatives that improve quality of life in those communities. It respects human rights and employs local citizens. It supports previously disadvantaged businesses by actively seeking such suppliers. Naspers contributes and supports communities it operates by providing educational programmes. It invests in its people, equipping them with the tools, technology and training they need to do their job, while providing opportunities for personal growth and development. The company recruits employees from previously disadvantaged communities where possible and rewards them fairly. It encourage employees to contribute to the sustainability and innovation and respects the rights of employees, invest in the continuous development of people. Perform regular risk assessment on health and safety matters in the facilities. It aims to have an injury-free workplace. Train people at its higher-risk facilities in matters of health and safety pertinent to that facility. Monitor management’s moderating actions through regular operational, internal and external auditing and reporting processes. provides medical aid and wellness programmes for its staff. Aim to comply with relevant …show more content…

On arrival, we met a very friendly and welcoming staff lady who then proceeded to show us around the centre. We had bought the kids snacks and some fruits since the centre has a strict hygienic and safety policy where they don’t allow anyone other than trained staff members to handle their food as we would have loved to help around in the kitchen or even just play with the children. She welcomed us into the Orphanage and the first room we entered into was the youngest group of children at the Centre (about three-eight years of age). The children in this group were mostly children with physical disabilities. It was very heart-warming to see the excitement and happiness on all of their faces about having visitors come to see them and spend time with them. Some children had mental disabilities and thus failed to interact with us, yet still showed a sense of invitation to us as strangers. We found their energy refreshing as they seemed to be limited due to their physical disability, instead they exerted energy that was filled with excitement and made us feel very

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