Nathan B. Forrest's Impact On Civil Rights

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Civil Rights are a big part of History. Men and women alike have witnessed awful deeds done by people afflicting forces on others who are simply trying to live. Everyday, people have fought to put the influence Nathan Bedford Forrest had on those who were targeted by Forrest and the KKK. As shown today, Bedford Forrest has affected mankind in many ways.
Nathan Bedford Forrest affected civil rights by joining the Ku Klux Klan. Forrest might’ve joined due to his belief in slavery, he did settle on a plantation with labour for an after job. Soon after he joined the KKK in 1860 and invented something called night rides. Night rides are when KKK members dress as ghosts and set out on African American land and terrorize them. One of his quotes, “I …show more content…

A couple years ago the statue was vandalized with pink paint as protest to saying they should tear it down because of what he did to Civil Rights. In the Battle at Fort Pillow in 1864 Forrest captured 300 African Americans and brutally killed them all. In addition to these acts he also protested to the US White House saying, we should have a white protestant country. Nathan B Forrest has affected Civil Rights through brutal leadership in the KKK, sending men to terrorize African Americans Plantations and homes, leading to many …show more content…

Bedford Forrest was very avid on the fact of slavery, he believed that black people were used as a labor class only. This reason could be why he participated in Civil Rights, or he could have participated for the unfair warfare he wanted to take part in. Forrest killed 300 black men before and denied his relation to the KKK which does bring up suspicion. He claimed he didn’t want to hurt any people, but yet he fought against them. Later on in 1969 he claimed how perverted the KKK was, quoting it used to be “honorable” before. Bedford Forrest used to be honorable before destroying the lives of blacks, all because of the warfare he decided to engage