Nation Of Islam Persuasive Speech

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Hello, I am writing to you as the founding member of Muhammad’s Mosque #2 in Cleveland, Ohio. We are in the process of recruiting black females, like yourself, to join the Nation of Islam. This letter will enclose to you the many reasons why the Nation of Islam has an incredibly positive effect on the lives of many black females. The nation of Islam is a religion founded by Wallace Fard Muhammad, Allah in person, and it is now being run by Allah’s messenger, Elijah Muhammad. I am sure you have heard of him and the infamous Malcolm X, the national spokesperson for the Nation of Islam. The core principle of the Nation of Islam is that the black man is God and the white man is the devil. It is our job to inform black people that we have the power to change our situation and inferior position in this country. We also find it very important to educate the black man on all the devilish acts that the white man has committed against us in the past and how he continues to oppress us today. These acts include …show more content…

There are many rules within this religion that outsiders are not used to which can make it difficult for possible newcomers to join the nation. These rules include: no alcohol, no smoking, no adultery, no pork; and more specifically to women: no makeup, not able to wear hair up, no heels over one and a half inches, and they may only dance with their husbands at events. These rules can be intimidating at first glance but it is important to know that they will only serve to benefit you and make you a better person in the eyes of Allah and the rest of the world. The dress of the women of the Nation of Islam and the rules listed from above were designed to set our women apart in order to combat the stereotype that all women are whores so that we can show the outside world that we take our religion and our stances on politics

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